Programming paradigms

Before we know what are programming paradigms we must first understand what the words programmming and paradigm mean.


programming is the act if planning, creating, deploying and maintaining software. These softwares can range from a very complicated neural network to a simple website.


In this context paradigm means a pattern or a model.

So, that means that programming paradigms are patterns that we follow to plan, create, deploy and maintain a certain peice of code. Every pattern or pradigm is important in its own place i.e. there is no hierarchy among different paradigms. Let us look at certain programming pradigms.

Declarative programming

In this we do not concern ouselves with what to do not how to do it. We do not have the control over the flow of the programming. Some examples are :- HTML, CSS and SQL.

Imperative programming

This is a paradigm in which we tell the computer how to do the task that we want it to do. The code gets executed line by line and we can control the flow of the program. Some examples are : - Java, C++, python.

Functional programming

In this pattern of programming we create funtions and call them in our code whenever we need them. This helps us to avoid repetitions and makes our code cleaner, more readable and maintainable. Some examples are : - Python and Javascript .

Object oriented programming

This is a pradigm which uses objects and classes. The advantages if using it are that it makes our code more readable, maintainable and it gives us more flexibility to write our code. Some examples are : - Java and C++.

Many languages that are currently in use are multi paradigm languages i.e. they utilize more than one pattern to work. From the above examples we can clearly see that Java and C++ are multi paradigm languages.