Data types and Data structures : what is the difference?

The computer works on 0s and 1s only two digits and all the things we do in a computer ultimately get resolved into 0s and 1s i.e. computers resolve everything ultimately to numbers. But in our everyday life as we see, computers work with much more than just numbers. To make all this possible we(humans) have assigned numbers to everything that we see on a computer. Nowadays most of the times we deal with the UTF-8 Standard. In this standard the number 65 is assigned to the character A. Now we know that A and 98 are two different things but for the computer they are both the same. The way we differentiate between the character and the number is context. We need to provide context to the computer in so that it knows where to use the character and where to use numbers.

So, in programming data types provide the context to the computer. We are basically saying to the computer "hey, I am storing this data into this variable which should be used in this context".

Data structures are as the name implies, structures which store data in a way so that it becomes easy to retrieve and update the data which is stored in it. Different data structures are basically different ways in to store and use data.